부산 생명의 숲 2019년 4월 복간호 발행 > 비즈 Column

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[이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

부산 생명의 숲 2019년 4월 복간호 발행

We feel beauty when we see the forests and mountains of Geumjeongsan Mountain and Jangsan Mountain that surround us. On the other hand, when we see mountains and forests stripped and destroyed in various places, such as the destroyed Ring Road on the outskirts of Busan or the destruction of dense pine trees in Sincheon Village, Geumjeong-gu, we feel a complex sense of discomfort and injustice, such as a certain sadness, anger, and tension. But why do people feel such feelings of beauty and discomfort from the environment surrounding us?

Even if it is not an advanced philosophical theory, the human sensitivity to feel beauty It will be an expression of ecological culture accumulated in the long history of natural negotiations between humans and nature. In other words, a well-developed forest may be the result of becoming an essential environmental condition for maintaining a healthy and peaceful community. Therefore, people feel beauty in forests that are healthy, well-developed, and have a smooth ecosystem, and develop creative power to sustain life. And it is about taking care of one's sanity.

In the end, humans maintained their history and culture of peace and life together with the forest, and created a base of life, such as a village, with friends. We accomplished it together. On the other hand, if we have a little bit of ecological sense, we can easily recognize the history of humanity, where civilizations that ignored the forest were always defeated. The forest was always nice to see. The forest gave us food, water to drink, shelter, and clothing. Everything in human existence ultimately has to stay in the shadow of the forest, at its edge.

Written by a young man living in London named “Sten Borough” on the side of the mountain below Beomeosa Temple. Beekeeping, which I started five years ago after reading the book “Urban Beekeeping,” gives me great joy. First of all, it means producing the materials necessary for human survival with one's own hands. The second is that the ecological role of bees is so enormous. Thirdly, the calm emotions I feel from insects are so fascinating.

On the other hand, the ecological fact that the world of insects is rapidly collapsing around the world may be a great and dark fear. While bees are disappearing rapidly around the world, it is true that more than 97% of Korea's native bees have already become extinct. Bees play a critical role in human survival and the maintenance of the ecosystem, responsible for 80% of crop pollination. Einstein also warned that if bees disappear, humans will become extinct within four years. A food crisis is occurring. Now, in our forests, along with the bee crisis, the extinction of various insect species is already progressing rapidly.

What does the disappearance of insects mean to us and to Homo sapiens? is it. According to geological research, there have been five major extinction events on Earth so far (a mass extinction refers to an event in which more than 75% of all species disappear). The last event was the 5th mass extinction event 65 million years ago when a meteorite hit and the dinosaurs became extinct, and it is now believed that the 6th mass extinction event is taking place. There is a high possibility that this sixth mass extinction event will be the largest in history.

If the five mass extinction events were caused by natural disasters, the sixth mass extinction event has nothing to do with natural disasters. In fact, one species of animal, Homo sapiens, caused enormous destruction in a short period of time. Also, in the past, only animals became extinct and plants did not disappear, so recovery was quick. Nowadays, humans are cutting down all forests and trees, so even plants are on the verge of extinction. The world of insects forms the basis of the ecological pyramid, and if insects disappear, there will be a complete collapse of the ecosystem. Predictably, if the current extinction trend continues, all insects on Earth will disappear within less than 100 years.

We all know that. Insects are food for all animals. First, insect-eating birds will disappear. Ultimately, we reach the position of humans at the top of the food chain. There is a common misunderstanding regarding the extinction of dinosaurs, that is, “the dinosaurs went extinct because they were stupid and could not adapt to changes in the ecosystem.” But dinosaurs were truly great creatures. It is said that he lived for a whopping 200 million years. What about humans? Even though the geological origin is less than 2 million years old, aren't we misunderstanding the situation of dinosaurs based on traces of only 10,000 years?

“The forest surrounding us” is an absolute condition that evokes the meaning of human existence. Therefore, we must feel, learn, learn, and make known the meaning and value of the forest. We must become friends of the forest, recorders of the forest, or guardians of the forest.

So, I think I did well to become a member of Busan Life Forest.

2019/3/26. In Yongseong Village under Geumjeong Mountain

Standing Representative Koo Ja-sang

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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]