수산물도 '나 혼자 산다!' 1인 가구 취향저격 소량포장 배달하는 수산물 온라인 쇼핑몰 「해물해물」의 운영사 어부사시사 임영훈 대표를 만나다 > 비즈 News

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[이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

수산물도 '나 혼자 산다!' 1인 가구 취향저격 소량포장 배달하는 수산물 온라인 쇼핑몰 「해물해물」의 운영사 어부사시사 임영훈 대표를 만나다

 Recently, the '1conomy' craze is growing rapidly. '1conomy' is a compound word of 'one person' and 'economy', meaning 'economy', and is a term that refers to a single-person household that enjoys a single consumption life. According to data from the National Statistical Office, the number of single-person households, which was 4.22 million households in 2010, or about 23.9% of the total number of households, is expected to increase rapidly every year and reach nearly 30% this year.

The trend is for one in four households to live alone. As a result, major changes occurred not only in the welfare and housing systems, but also in the food distribution market. A new form of marketing for fresh food targeting single-person households has begun to establish itself as a paradigm. In line with this trend, Lim Young-hoon, CEO of Fisherman's Sashisa, opened the seafood online shopping mall "Seafood Seafood" that delivers seafood in small packages to ease the burden on single consumers.

# 01. Seafood online shopping mall for single-person households 「Seafood Seafood」

「Seafood Seafood」, opened by Rendapyo, targets single-person households and sells marine products by part and gram. It is an online shopping mall for seafood that sells individually packaged products.

" The most inconvenient thing for single-person households when purchasing food ingredients at large supermarkets is that they often end up spoiling or spoiling because they sell too much, even if it is expensive. I realized that demand was increasing and I thought, why not adjust the type and amount of food ingredients to consumers according to their type and needs?” span style="font-size: 10pt;">​

"Fruits and vegetables for one meal are sold mainly in large supermarkets. The number of places that do this is increasing, but because seafood is difficult to handle and control, there are still few places where single consumers can purchase it. Busan, where I live, is a sea city, and fresh seafood can be purchased anywhere. I decided to give it a try."

▲ Seafood online shopping mall "Seafood Seafood" operated by Fisherman Sashisa

Due to the nature of seafood, where freshness is key, it is difficult to sell online. In line with the shopping trend moving from offline to online, sales are being made through TV home shopping, large supermarket shopping malls, and online seafood shopping malls. However, since the sales units at these online shopping malls are in bulk units, it is difficult for a single-person household to purchase and eat seafood with one click. The situation is difficult. For this reason, Fisherman Sashisa's rental table has opened "Seafood Seafood" where single consumers can shop for seafood conveniently and without burden, providing seafood individually packaged by part and gram.

#02. A shopping mall that brings the freshness of the sea to consumers all year round

The reason Lim Dae-pyo started his business was because he felt skeptical about corporate life that blindly pursues 'profit pursuit'. Of course, money is important in the era of capitalism. As he is a businessman, he also has a clear goal of entering the seafood online market by 10% of sales. However, the basis of everything is the corporate philosophy of Fisherman Sashisa CEO Lim Young-hoon, who pursues profit in an honest manner like a fisherman in harmony with nature.

"Seafood products are food ingredients that are difficult to handle, store, and cook. In addition, seafood can be purchased in small quantities. If not, single consumers can only eat out or eat on special occasions, and the number of single-person households is increasing, and I wanted to deliver the freshness of the sea to single consumers all year round. I hope to become a messenger who can convey this to others."

"I started this business because I was skeptical about corporate life blindly pursuing profit. However, like everyone else, I often felt financial pressure, but I made profits in an honest way like a fisherman in harmony with nature. I want to pursue and run a sustainable company without becoming evil."

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▲ Seafood online shopping mall 「Seafood Seafood」 operated by Fisherman Sashisa

#03. Episode related to the naming of 「Seafood Seafood」

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CEO Lim Young-hoon has his own meaning in naming the seafood online shopping mall 'Seafood Seafood'. If you look up 'seafood seafood' in the Korean dictionary, you will find that as an adverb, it means 'the appearance of smiling quietly and slyly with slightly curled lips.' Lim Da-pyo said that phrase somehow reminded him of the expression on his face when eating delicious food. He wanted to capture the facial expressions of customers enjoying the seafood provided by 「Haemul Haemul」 in the name.

"When I mention the name of the seafood shopping mall, I often hear this from my acquaintances. They say that the name of the shopping mall was chosen too roughly. It's a name that I really put a lot of thought into. I searched and found the name, and the keyword I found was 'seafood seafood'."

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▲ The meaning behind the seafood online shopping mall “Seafood Seafood” operated by Fisherman Sashisa< /span>

"Seafood If you look for seafood, it means 'a shape that keeps smiling slyly with slightly curled lips.' For some reason, this reminds me of the facial expressions people make when eating delicious food. It is also our commitment to providing high-quality seafood ingredients. It's definitely not a roughly made name."

#04 A shopping mall that strives to reduce the burden on consumers and increase quality< /p>

The rental table is the first After opening an online shopping mall for seafood, a memorable customer suddenly contacted me in the late afternoon. It was a father's earnest request to receive the ordered product tomorrow, as it was his daughter's birthday. It was an order from another area. It was difficult because there was work to prepare and prepare, but the customer responded that it was possible and quickly prepared for packaging and delivery. Fortunately, the seafood arrived the next day with a photo on the shopping mall website. Although it was a short message, it was said that it was very rewarding.

"It was the beginning of the business, so there were a lot of things to prepare and resolve. There are times when your mind is busy and times when it is difficult. But the ‘short message of gratitude’ comforted me for all the hard work I did. I felt more grateful and rewarded."

For the safe delivery of marine products, where freshness is the key, many preparations are required, such as blocking external contaminants and establishing a vacuum packaging system to maintain freshness. Small-package delivery to single consumers If so, it is difficult to achieve the price competitiveness that can be achieved with bulk purchases.

However, Lim Young-hoon, CEO of Fisherman's Sashisa, continues to research and strive to provide high-quality seafood while lowering the cost burden as much as possible for single consumers. To secure fresh seafood. We directly search for and secure excellent sellers, conduct research to lower the unit price of small-package products, which are shown to be higher than the cost due to packaging and labor costs, directly check the packaging and delivery process, and work with delivery companies to ensure that freshness does not decrease during the transport process. Efforts are being made in various fields, including cooperation.

Like CEO Lim Young-hoon's corporate philosophy, we hope to narrow the contact point between producers and consumers by constantly rowing with an honest mind like a fisherman, and deliver the freshness of the sea to consumers who purchase seafood. 「Seafood When the expressions on the faces of customers who ate the seafood purchased from “Seafood” were all “Seafood, Seafood”, wouldn’t Lim Dae-pyo’s goal of being in the top 10% of sales in the seafood online market have been easily achieved?

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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]