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4차산업혁명 핵심, 메타버스 기업 ESG 담당자가 전하는 찐 진로교육 l 디지털격차를 해소하기 위한 4차산업

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1. Introduction
hello? I am in charge of ESG planning/communication at an IT company that develops industrial metaverse solutions using augmented reality/virtual reality source technology.
By any chance, did you understand my short introduction? #Augmented reality #Virtual reality #Metaverse are very unfamiliar words, but they are a core field of the 4th industrial revolution that has already entered our lives.
What I want to talk about today is about the 4th Industrial Revolution.
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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]