금샘외국인센터 -정은선작가와의 꿈찾기 프로젝트-2020 마을공동체 역량강화사업 2회차 > 비즈 Activity

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[이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

금샘외국인센터 -정은선작가와의 꿈찾기 프로젝트-2020 마을공동체 역량강화사업 2회차

As part of the ‘2020 Village Community Capacity Building Project’ implemented by Busan Metropolitan City, the second program, “Dream Search Project with artist Jeong Eun-seon at Gamcheon Culture Village,” hosted by Geumsaem Foreigner Center will be held.

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Author Jeong Eun-seon worked as an adjunct professor of business administration at a university and as a management consultant at a management consulting company. In her prime, in her 30s, she developed cancer twice while pursuing her goal. As she experienced extreme pain in body and mind, she began a deep conversation with her inner self. She became a healer herself, healing her mind and transforming her ordeal into another platform for growth in her life.

With this valuable experience, she took a leap toward new dreams and goals and now works as a mind coach, helping people who desperately need her help. She is sharing reflections and realizations from her own life. In particular, she serves as a messenger of life and hope to cancer patients fighting death, as well as countless college students and young people suffering from barriers to social advancement.

After communicating through the artist's lecture and making eco bags, we wandered through the complex alleys as if searching for a maze among pastel-colored houses reminiscent of a watercolor painting. The program will be conducted in the order that allows you to feel the joys and sorrows of life during difficult times.

The program will be held on Saturday, August 15.

Multicultural families are given priority, and domestic and foreign nationals are also accepted. (Free trial for approximately 20 people)

The number of people recruited is approximately 20, and participants in the 1st and 2nd rounds of the program can participate first in the 3rd and 4th rounds.

Registration is only possible by text message. (☎010-2863-5899 - Text application: Participation fee - Free)

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2nd program

Dream Finding Project for Promoting Healthy Multicultural Families

Dream Finding Project




○ Understanding Korean Culture

- A project to understand Korean culture in preparation for a future multicultural society and to find dreams for promoting healthy families.

- Gamcheon Culture Village Visit and Experience

(Eco Bag Making · Hanbok Experience)

August 15th (Sat)
1 PM - 5 PM< /p>

3rd program

Knowing mother-of-pearl lacquerware craft and

Korean traditional craft experience

○ Korean traditional craft program in progress

○ Understanding traditional crafts such as mother-of-pearl lacquerware technique

○ Traditional Chilbo craft Create

To be announced in early September

4th program

Korean traditional Hanok culture experience and

Gaya culture tour

○ Korean cultural experience for multicultural families

- Inflow of exotic cultures through Korean cultural experiences and stories of immigrants living in multicultural communities


○ Multicultural family 2 days and 1 night understanding Korean culture through traditional Korean hanok experience

○ Visit to King Suro’s tomb and Gaya historical sites

To be announced in early October

※ The above schedule and program contents are subject to change

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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]