부산사하창업비즈니스센터 「청년CEO, CO-WORKING」 개최
Busan Haseo-up Business Center (Saha-gu Youth Startup Support Center) held the `` Youth CEO, CO-Working '' program at the Saha Center open space on the 13th. >
TYLE = "Clear: Both;"> (Photo = Provided by Busan Temple Haseup Business Center) It was conducted as one of the one -person creative company revitalization support programs conducted by the Saha Start -up Business Center, and the center of the center and the residents of the resident who are interested in starting a business are attending the center. We have operated a program that can communicate directly with young CEOs to resolve questions about reporting, product experience (tasting) and start -ups. Double Healthcare Co., Ltd. (CEO Yun -mi Jung), which develops and sells Shake Dubro, Painting Tree Sake (CEO Seo Su -hwan), which connects and develops traditional medicine overlooks with tourism products, CEO Kim Min -ah) CEOs of the Saha Center companies have become mentors of prospective entrepreneurs, and have a significant place to share and communicate the contents and information of the entire start -up process, such as the selection of the start -up support system, marketing and marketing, and communicating. The head of the center of the center has increased satisfaction by providing customized consultation on the realistic concerns of young people, the start -up support system, and individual questions. The youngest founder who participated said, "It was time to listen to the start -up stories of young CEOs and realize the start -up. >
Busan Haseo -up Business Center has a volume of the start -up organization, and has been designated as a one -person creative company support center organized (cooperative) institution. Preliminary) We are continuing to support the successful start -up and commercialization of founders, and we plan to actively support the stable start -up of single -person construction by operating various programs in the second half.
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