부산대학교 기술창업대학원 '2022학년도 후기 석사과정 신입생' 모집 > 비즈 Link

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부산대학교 기술창업대학원

부산대학교 기술창업대학원

[이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

부산대학교 기술창업대학원 '2022학년도 후기 석사과정 신입생' 모집

[Recruitment of freshmen in the second half of 22nd] P>

Pusan ​​National University Graduate School of Technology and Technology announced that it will recruit new students in the late 2022 school year from 16th to 20th. The recruitment field is △ Creative Culture Industry (Video Content, ICT, Design, Fashion) △ Knowledge Infrastructure Project (Tourism MICE, Finance, Logistics) (Marine Plant, Green Ships, Marine Fisheries Foods) Pusan ​​National University's Graduate School of Technology, founded in 2014, was established in 2014 due to a systematic approach to start -up and venture business and the need for graduate school level for corporate managers and related personnel. I am excavated and supported. In addition to regular courses, we also offer various special education programs related to start -ups such as exploring leading companies, startup competitions, and research support projects.

In particular, from this year, we will provide special benefits such as the exemption of the exemption of the exemption of the initial start -up package document screening for five people elected through various curriculums related to big data to cultivate entrepreneurs and internal competition. > Freshmen are accepted by the Internet and eligible for support are more than four -year college graduation. Intellectual property holders and related certification holders, such as winners and patent rights of national start -up competitions and patents, also benefit from. The recruitment screening is conducted by a qualitative evaluation divided into document screening and interview test, and new students are selected in order of high scores after each screening. For other inquiries, please refer to the homepage of the Graduate School of Technology at Pusan ​​National University or call them to the administration of the Graduate School of Technology.

Cho Young -rae, the head of the Graduate School of Technology, Changwon, Pusan ​​National University, said, “We plan to cultivate entrepreneurship experts who combine practicality through interdisciplinary approach to start -up, venture business and related fields and cooperation between various majors based on their ability and research experience.” "We are already securing a number of successful entrepreneurs and start -up consultants, which will allow graduates to walk the path of success start -up." /P>

Pusan ​​National University Admissions Homepage http://go.pusan.ac.kr

Application for application (Internet reception)

[Recruitment of freshmen in the second half of 22 years] P> http://www.jinhakapply.com Woo) 46241 Busan Metropolitan City, Geumjeong-gu, Busan Daehak-ro 63beon-gil 2 (Jangjeon-dong), Busan University Technology Startup Graduate School of Administration (10th Engineering) (T.510-1369)

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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]