2023 부산권역 1인 창조기업 지원센터 성과보고회 성료
The “2023 Busan Area 1 Creative Company Support Center Performance Report” was held at the Adela Hotel in Yeongdo. At the end of the Busan area, the tenants and center officials of the Busan area (Busan Haseo -up Business Center, Haeundae 1 Creative Company Support Center The Venture Business Administration and the Busan Saha -gu Office gathered in one place to prepare a place for information exchange and report the performance of the one -person creative company support center.
Starting with the welcoming speech of the start -up venture and a grand chief of the Busan Regional Small and Medium Venture Business Administration, The chairman of the Korea Woo Soo Association, the chairman of the Corporate Support Center, was presented, and in 2023, each center manager announced the business performance, and the excellent companies of each center presented success stories.
One of the main programs of this day was the first manager of Saha Center, the manager of Saha Center, under the theme of <2024 Consumption Trend>, and in the last part of the first part, The commendation was awarded 12 points for one -person creative company (Double Healthcare) and 11 points of the personnel (Saha Center Manager Kim Ki -eun).
In the second part of the order, networking for fellowship and one -person creative company was informed and the event was completed. The Council of Creation and Company Support Center is working hard to start a stable start -up and support of one -person creative businesses, and the performance report meeting is held every year in cooperation with the Busan Regional Center.
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