2019 1인창조기업 지원센터 입주설명회 성료 > 비즈 News

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[이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

2019 1인창조기업 지원센터 입주설명회 성료

▲ One-person creative enterprise support center move-in information session

The Busan/Gyeongnam single-person creative enterprise support center council held a meeting on the 8th for CENTAP Creative Enterprise. The '2019 One-person Creative Enterprise Support Center Move-in Information Session' was held at the support center.

This briefing session was held at Busan Saha Startup Business Center, Crossbiz Seomyeon Center, CENTAP Creative Business Support Center, Haeundae Creative Business Support Center, and Gyeongnam One-Person Creative Business Support Center. It was jointly conducted by each of the five centers, targeting prospective entrepreneurs and one-person creative companies. They explained their specialized support projects and achievements, and provided move-in information and success stories of the companies moving in. Delivered.

▲ Announcement of Busan Saha Startup Business Center operation status

▲ Announcement of operation status of Crossbiz Creative Enterprise Support Center

▲ Announcement of operation status of Gyeongnam One-person Creative Enterprise Support Center

Each center at the move-in briefing session The current status and vision of center operation and management, including △ Introduction to the center △ Center operating organization and history △ Center operation performance △ Center facility composition △ Major achievements △ Success stories of resident companies It provided useful information for prospective entrepreneurs and one-person creative companies wishing to move into the support center.

We are carrying out a regionally tailored job creation support project. Busan Saha Startup Business Center is providing information on the current status of the ‘One-person Media & SNS Marketer Professional Training’ that has been in progress since last April and the ‘Maker Space Support Project and Youth Entrepreneurship Academy Operation’ in cooperation with Saha-gu Office. The vision was presented as the main achievement.

Busan Saha Startup Business Center Deputy Director (Baek Hongyang) said, “The One-person Creative Enterprise Support Center is an optimized support system. “We will spare no effort in providing the support necessary for prospective entrepreneurs or start-ups to materialize their business items and grow,” he said.

Inside the briefing hall, an exhibition space is provided for the promotion of tenant companies and products, including 'BS Design' homepage production service, 'D&' inter-floor noise reduction technology, and ' ‘Blumenbaum’ plant management florist, ‘Biz Korea’ honey products, ‘Geumjuk’ soybean paste products, ‘History Contents Division Co., Ltd.’ history education textbooks, ‘Ponte’ learning vocabulary kit, Products and services such as 'Instek' mold design service, 'Restory' natural kids cosmetics, 'Vivafarm' avocado oil, and 'Ondam' mother-of-pearl lacquerware jewelry were on display.

The five Busan/Gyeongnam one-person creative enterprise support centers that held move-in information sessions provide commercialization and support for one-person creative enterprises, including entrepreneurship education, facility and space support, mentoring, marketing support, and networking. We provide a variety of support for growth, and recruitment of residents is ongoing. For inquiries regarding occupancy, please apply to the center where you wish to move in.

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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]