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[이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

‘온담’ 제작, 한·아세안 특별정상회의 나전칠기 볼펜 화제

OndamProduction, Han·A mother-of-pearl lacquer ballpoint pen hot topic at the ASEAN Special Summit

Janana 11Mon 25From 27At BEXCO, Busan until Sunday·ASEAN Special Summit was held.

11Heads of State and First Ladies visited Busan for the event, Various events were held one after another, starting with special talks and summits.

The conference hall where the special summit is held is Korean·A ballpoint pen engraved with the names of ASEAN leaders using the traditional mother-of-pearl lacquer technique has drawn attention.

A wooden ballpoint pen with mother-of-pearl lacquerware applied Ondamis mother-of-pearl lacquerware, As a company specializing in handmade cultural products such as cloisonné, we develop and produce a variety of products using natural lacquer and mother-of-pearl.

< !--[endif]-->OndamThe mother-of-pearl lacquer ballpoint pen produced by Hamchorombatang is produced using traditional techniques using natural lacquer and, It is characterized by expressing initials in mother-of-pearl, Using pieces of mother-of-pearl to complete the design by attaching them like building a stone wall Series Dam is being introduced.

Han·The names of the leaders of each country are lacquered at the ASEAN Special Summit, Artistic and functional by engraving with mother-of-pearl, Evaluated as being well-rounded in symbolismOndampearl lacquerware ballpoint pen, Brand Name CLASSY K. dignity.

Mother-of-pearl lacquerware is an important intangible cultural property of the Republic of Korea( Je10Ho Najeonjang, Je113Ho Chiljang).

< !--[endif]-->Han·Because it is a product used in precious occasions to host ASEAN leaders, we wanted to elevate the product by applying the mother-of-pearl lacquerware technique.

Ottchil, A thousand-year relationship

It is known that the lacquer applied to the ash tree, which is the barrel of a ballpoint pen, does not change even after a thousand years.

A Han that lasts a thousand years·I did lacquer work in hopes of a deep relationship with ASEAN countries.

Mother-of-pearl. Shiny present and future

The mother-of-pearl that decorated the lacquer was selected and used only with bright and good colors, Contains the splendid present and future of ASEAN-ROK Korea.

Mother-of-pearl pattern( Series dam). Building trust and respect

Mother-of-pearl pieces are connected one by one in the shape of a wall, accumulating as the years go by·We wanted to express deep trust and respect among ASEAN countries.

Mother-of-Pearl Initials. Preciousness of Existence

The distinctive core of Ondam mother-of-pearl lacquerware writing instruments are mother-of-pearl initials.

The preciousness of the being represented by the name is emphasized as a point of design differentiation.“

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Traditional crafts permeated into daily life, We look forward to Ondam's efforts to continuously develop modern mother-of-pearl lacquerware products with the slogan of products that are like works of art.

Contact: ondamus@naver.com

Blog: http://ondamus.blog.me

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    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]

    [이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다]